Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • s Saylov yakunida xorijiy kuzatuvchilarning faoliyati nimalardan iborat bo‘ladi?


    Saylov kodeksining 8, 11, 33, 54–58 va 102-moddalari hamda Markaziy saylov komissiyasining 2019-yil 19-sentabrdagi 938-son qarori va 2019-yil 5-oktabrdagi 951-son qarori bilan mahalliy va xorijiy (xalqaro) kuzatuvchilar huquqlari va majburiyatlari belgilab berilgan.

    Kuzatuvchilar o‘z faoliyatini qonunchilik hujjatlari talablariga rioya qilgan holda mustaqil tashkil etadi.

  • s Who will participate in the counting of votes at the end of the election?


    The following may be present during the counting of votes by precinct election commissions and the filling of reports on the results of vote counting:
    observers, authorized representatives of political parties;
    media representatives;
    observers of citizens' self-governance bodies;
    observers from other countries and international organizations.
    During this process, it is forbidden to be present in the building of the precinct election commission other than those who are allowed to be present.

  • s On which websites on the Internet can you watch the video broadcast of the election process on election day?


    According to the decision of the Central Election Commission No. 1148 of October 13, 2021, creating the possibility of online monitoring of the election process on a large screen in the Press Center of the Central Election Commission, on the portal and on "Uzbekistan 24" and other TV channels of the National Broadcasting Company of the Republic of Uzbekistan planned.

  • s How is early voting going, are there any violations of the law?


    On October 14, 2021, early voting began at polling stations. So far, no violations of the law have been observed during early voting.

  • s Is it necessary to remove campaign banners on election day?


    It is not considered mandatory to remove election campaign materials placed in buildings, structures and other places earlier (at least two days before the election day) on the day of the election and one day before voting.

  • s Is the information in the single electronic list of voters updated?


    The unified electronic list of voters is updated every six months, during the election campaign, according to the schedule approved by the Central Election Commission in coordination with the State Personalization Center and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development.

  • s In what cases can election commissions make changes to the single electronic list of voters?


    Changes are made to the unified electronic list of voters in the following cases:
    if the voter is not a citizen on the list or his polling station does not correspond to his residential address;
    when it is determined by the precinct election commission that the voter is in the territory of the polling station at his temporary residence on the day of the election;
    when it is necessary to make corrections to the voter's surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, residential address;
    when the voter dies;
    when the voter uses the interactive service for changing the polling station through the Unified Interactive State Services portal;
    when a person is admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

  • s What kind of list is the single electronic list of voters?


    The single electronic list of voters is a state information resource that contains information about voting citizens, their permanent and temporary residence addresses in accordance with the information bases of authorized state bodies.
    The single electronic list of voters is formed and updated on the basis of information provided by the competent state bodies, and during the election campaign it is clarified by the relevant precinct election commissions.

  • s Will citizens have the opportunity to get acquainted with their information from the voters' list?


    Through the official website of the Central Election Commission ( and the Unified interactive state services portal (, citizens have the opportunity to get acquainted with their information from the voter list, including where they vote. they can get complete information about the polling station and its location.
    They can also get acquainted with the list of voters in the building of the precinct election commission.

  • s Can a voter who did not participate in early voting due to certain reasons participate in the election day?


    Each citizen participating in the election has one vote.
    A voter who did not participate in early voting has the right to vote on election day.

  • s When will the early voting results be announced?


    Early voting results are not counted separately. On the day of the election, when the chairman of the precinct election commission announces the start of voting (October 24 at 08:00), he will inform about the number of early voters according to the list in the polling station.
    After the end of voting (24 October at 20:00), the members of the precinct election commission, following the sequence of actions established by the law, throw the closed envelopes with early voting ballots into the ballot box and all the ballots in the ballot box are spilled. the results of counting votes by polling station are determined.